Sarah Dobson Certified Herbalist, Certified Nutritionist and Reiki Master
In this Coconut Lavender Ice Cream , you will discover a non dairy ice cream that is delicious without compromising flavor. Now that we are approaching the warmer months, it is time to whip out some amazing homemade ice cream, without sacrificing the waistline.
It’s true though, much of the food culture today is inundated with all types of animal products and byproducts. One of our beliefs at Mystic Mix is that it would probably be a lot easier for people to consume more of a plant based diet, if meat and dairy wasn’t so widely used by restaurants and households alike. So to counter everything meat and dairy, one of our Mystic Mix Certified Nutritionists, Sarah Dobson, wrote an amazing, delicious, and incredible recipe.
Coconut Lavender Ice Cream
Not only does this Coconut Lavender Ice Cream have a creamy texture, but it also has the nutritional benefits of raw honey. For centuries, honey has been used for everything from sweetening foods and drinks to treating and healing our bodies. You get benefits from honey only when it is used natural – which means raw and in pure, organic form.
Honey is considered one of nature’s purest foods. It’s a natural antioxidant, contains 22 amino acids, 27 minerals and 5,000 enzymes. Organic honey can help keep you healthy by boosting the immune system, aid in weight loss, athletic performance, fighting disease and treat a wide range of health problems from coughs and colds to digestion problems, arthritis and allergies.
Another belief of Mystic Mix is that it doesn’t take much to keep yourself or your family healthy – just start with fresh, wholesome and simple ingredients. This Coconut Lavender Ice Cream by Sarah Dobson is just that – simple and delicious!
Our Advice for making this dish even more flavorful? Top with unsweetened coconut flakes. Enjoy!
- 1 cup organic coconut milk
- 1 – 2 tablespoons organic or wildcrafted lavender flowers
- 2 organic bananas (peeled)…chopped and frozen
- Raw honey…. to taste, if desired
- Add coconut milk and lavender to a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and stir thoroughly. Let steep (covered) for 20 – 25 minutes.
- Strain mixture, reserving milk and discarding lavender. Pour into a freezer-safe container and freeze for several hours or overnight.
- Once frozen, break apart the frozen coconut milk into chunks and add to a food processor. Add the chopped frozen banana. Process until the mixture is smooth and creamy, adding additional raw honey if desired. This will create a creamier ice cream, If you want harder ice cream, put the mixture into the freezer for 15 – 20 minutes to harden, then scoop and serve.
If you would like some more of my vegan recipes just visit the articles page here. Or, if you would like to use honey as a medicinal, click here.
Certified Herbalist, Nutritional Herbalist,
Reiki Master, Teacher