Angel Messages from Doreen Virtue

Angel Messages from Doreen Virtue

Your Angel Messages from Doreen Virtue for June 29th- July 5th. This week is all about manifesting your career in a higher vibrational direction.

This week will be focused upon you using all of your Law of Attraction knowledge to heal or manifest your career in a higher vibrational direction. And you discover that you’re very good at manifesting at these higher levels — congratulations!

In fact, this week you’ll get instant feedback from the universe whether you are approaching your career from fear or from love. Watch what happens around you, and know that you can purify, spiritualize, and detox your thoughts, actions, and emotions to attract desirable outcomes.

This week’s full moon in Capricorn is a perfect time to release any low-vibrational fears about your career, life purpose, finances, and such.

Notes: Doreen is working with the Messages From Your Angels Oracle Cards, available in bookstores and app stores worldwide, and at:

You’ll see mentions of her book Angels of Abundance, which is here:
and Angel Dreams, which is here:

Doreen is wearing an organic cotton fairtrade (no sweatshops) shirt by Nomads, available here:

In the video, you’ll see Carob and Bambi (the small Pomeranians playing in the non-toxic flowers behind Doreen), Gigi the large white Pomeranian, and Feather, the orange Pomeranian.

You’ll also see Bentley the Sheltie herding the baby chickens who are sunning themselves on the lawn in a pen. As soon as they’re older, the chicks will soon join the other chickens in a much larger free range area where Michael will take care of them as pets, because he loves all types of birds (he’s vegan, so he gives away the eggs to friends).

If you are interested in purchasing Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Cards, go to the products page or click here!

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