Sarah’s Vegan Swiss Oats (Gluten free!)

Sarah’s Vegan Swiss Oats (Gluten free!)


5 cups steel cut or rolled oat

*Make sure they are gluten and dairy free! I like Bob’s Red Mill*

6-7 cups almond milk

1 tablespoon cinnamon, or to taste

½ cup raw honey, or to taste

How to create:

In a glass bowl mix the oats and almond milk together. You want the almond milk to cover about ½ inch above the oats. Then add the raw honey and cinnamon. Put a lid on top and stick it in the fridge overnight, if you use rolled oats they will be soft in about 3 hours. By soaking the oats you are keeping all their nutrients in tact.

The next morning stir them and enjoy! You can also add nuts, dried fruit or fresh fruit on top.

Sarah Dobson

Certified Herbalist

Nutritional Herbalist

Reiki Master, Teacher








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