Astrologers in Salt Lake City

Many people think that their Sun sign is all that there is to Astrology. While it is a good place to start, there is a lot more to astrology than just the Sun's position!



Astrologers traditionally advise their clients on what to expect in their immediate and long-term futures. They commonly base their predictions on the belief that the positions of celestial bodies at birth and how they relate to one another from that point forward directly affect life’s events. In addition, astrologers normally hold true that these divine entities influence a person’s personality and the choices they make throughout life. Astrologers may work as independent contractors or as part of a group of spiritual or psychic advisers.

Astrologers are normally contacted by people seeking guidance in the areas of romance, finance, employment and family relations. If their advice is considered valid and helpful, they often build a client base that seeks regular, personal counseling sessions. Astrologers may serve these clients in person, via telephone or through an interactive computer program.

An astrologer’s analytical process usually begins by plotting the client’s place of birth using longitude and latitude and giving consideration to the time zone in which the birth occurred. This analytical phase normally includes noting these aspects on a circular chart either on paper or on a computer screen. This tool is commonly referred to as an astrological wheel

Once the plotting is complete, the astrologer determines the positions of the planets, moons and sun at the client’s time of birth. Utilizing various reference books, he determines these bodies’ relationships to each other and to zodiacal signs. These relationships, often referred to as aspects, are believed by the astrologers to have a direct effect on a person’s life. These effects are typically thought to include guidance on what the future holds as well as provide direction on the best paths to follow and the chances of success in making these choices.

An astrologer’s success normally heavily relies on his communication skills. While the accuracy of his predictions and value of his guidance are important to his clients, his ability to maintain a positive and hopeful demeanor is tantamount to his popularity. People seeking counsel often need emotional and psychological support, and an astrologer frequently provides this in the form of optimistic predictions and prophesies.

Although astrology is generally perceived as a simple superstition or pseudoscience by the bulk of the scientific community because it has never produced any solid or statistical forecasts, there are many online courses that offer certifications in all types of astrology. Classes in astrology are also offered by many private institutes that specialize in psychic or spiritual teaching. Experience and knowledge of the subject and good mathematical skills are typical requirements for a job as an astrologer.

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